Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Well since this my first post I figured I might as well make it good, and oh gosh its good. I mean part of the reason why I made my blog was to relieve some of this stress :) Okay, so yesterday was an oh my gosh day, we got our new schedules and well I didnt't really want to take ACT prep because we are doing a lot of practice in my English class. So I just stayed in the class for yesterday. Then I talked to Mr.White about having an Independent Study class with him and he said yes but I had to convince the counselor to let me take it. So after running like crazy around the halls I found Mr.White and he told me to talk to Ms.Quayle so i did; and after working some minor details out I got switched. Oh gosh and well yesterday I got home after an Amnesty meeting which for some odd reason always cause me headaches, and well my phone was almost dead....oh gosh!! So I asked my mom, "Mom where's my charger?" and she said, "Oh well your little brother took the sissors and cut it up" Aaaaaahhhh!! I wanted to explode!!!.....but i didn't hehe ;) and my dad came home and i had to explain to him what had happened and of course kids are always the good ones, so my dad told me that it was my fault for not taking care of that thing.. Seriously?? Oh my dear daddy....
So today I went to the store hoping to find a charger for my phone, I got one and I came home and plugged it in and wow... it didn't work!! (major fit) Ok I'm not gonna lie.. I did cry haha wait its funny now but it wasn't like 2 hours ago. Then my dad asked me if my phone was working now and i said no, so he just stays quiet and then like 2 minutes later he starts going off, ahhhhh!! Dang it!! I'm stressed enough.. then i come home to freakin chaos, sometimes its very complicated to keep your cool on and not go off on people. But i did it!! I'm a big girl now! Yes!! Rough days... i mean why? ok maybe i shouldn't complain its all Karma maybe next time I'll think before i do something stupid lol

1 comment:

Devin said...

ah, the infamous "your little brother's an idiot and it's all your fault" routine. lol. No, but seriously I know that one. Sorry you have some rough days Maruah.