Monday, December 22, 2008

Culture and more random things

I take pride in what I do, and who I am but apparently some people think I don’t, yeah that makes me mad. Some people just see me and know I do things but they don’t know how much it takes for me to actually accomplish them. My dad for example thinks I don’t take pride in my culture and that I have forgotten my Hispanic roots, I haven’t. I am old enough to make my personal choices and religion is a big one for me. I have nothing against Catholicism but I disagree with a lot of its teachings, I see nothing wrong with believing in something that works for me; but my parents do. Language is also another issue, I do take pride that I am a bilingual person, but I can’t speak Spanish for everything! Unfortunately, that is out of my control I can’t make people translate everything to Spanish simply because it bothers some people that I speak more English than Spanish. This kind of reminds me of the Selena movie where her dad is telling her that Chicanos need to speak perfect Spanish and perfect English; we just have to have a perfect balance of both cultures. And it’s true there is pressure from both cultures do be ‘perfect’ in what ever we do. There are a lot of stereotypes from both sides, and I really really despise stereotypes! I am a mixture of both the Latino culture and the American culture, I take pride in both because yes, I was born in Mexico, but this is the country that has seen me grow and where I lived all my life.
Here are a few of my not so happy poems written when I was not too happy… but hey nevertheless they are pretty fantastic. Before I indulge you with my emo poetry I would like to keep talking about something. A really good friend asked me what motivates me; I said a lot of things, but mostly my past. I have seen and lived a lot of things that other people haven’t. I am not saying I have suffered more than everyone else because that would be a lie, I seen people who suffer way way more than me. But there are a few things about my life that kind of made me mature a little more quickly than my peers. And although those unfortunate things have been extremely painful to me and specially when I was younger, I am thankful for the suffering, for the tears and for the years that have taught me to stay strong and that if life wants to through a hurricane in my path I can take it down, no problem. I say that very easily, but I just stopped and thought about it for a second; I have been able to take all the pain because of my mother who I love with all my life. I’ll save this topic for another post though because I can say a lot about why I love my mother so much. So for now, enjoy the poetry from the depths of my heart to the screen of your computer lol enjoy!!

I am at my knees dear life
In surrender of the pain
I finally realized
This is more than I can take

I could let the wind blow me away
I could let the earth swallow my life
At this point it wouldn’t matterI am buried alive

Many dawns of opened eyes
a mist of cold
a dead sunrise
a cloud of dreams floating away
two wounded wings
why does it feel this way?
just kill me
forget that I exist
because if you don't
I am not sure I can resist
I am trying to be strong
but this weakness makes me fall
I just can't take anymore

Good stuff, right?

1 comment:

Devin said...

you are a remarkable writer Maria. I enjoy reading your poetry, it's very thoughtful and emotional. I am glad you are such a strong person, you take on so many things in life and end in good shape, no matter the outcome. Stay strong, but most of all, stay you!! :D