Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Ok so again, I am supposed to be working on a blog for bio but guess what? Maria is too lazy to do anything!! No seriously, well anyway, I haven't been able to blog for like the past month so I guess this is a good time! Not many new things have happened, I drink less coffee that's about it... but that is a good time after discovering that coffee gets me all shaky and warm eewww.. yeah so I decided to drink green tea whenever I want to drink coffee and i guess its a good replacement :)
School... hmmm nothing very interesting has happened there, well maybe yes, I am pretty excited that this trimester will soon be over, yeah that's what I say now then i will probably be crying because i dint get enough work to do lol or not. Either way next term i want to do what i didn't do this term which would be to like get a 4.0 yeah that's sooo not happening this term.. well or so it looks like but hey you never know! So yeah... Yoga sounds good for a third hour.. lol but then again math is always so thrilling!!! hehe no not really. I never really been good at math, which is weird because people always expected me to be good at it, i guess they just dint know how much i suck at it! Finals week are going to be terrible! I cant wait for a break!! Maybe i can wait because being at home can be very boring... i used to like being at home till my siblings came along ughhh how depressing!! maybe this one time i will actually plan something for spring break but usually i just stay home and rot which is very sad but there is not much i can do lol well i can i am just too damn lazy! lol I just know that after csap week i am really going to need a break and not because i need to take the test thank the universe i am done with that but stress is very attached to me.. or maybe its the other way around. After that lovelly week I will be having the amazing Human Rights Week, omggg that's gonna be great and after that hopefully we'll have the talent show which is gonna be even more amazing! erdfrergthgfde estevan typed that lol some people just need to get a life lol jk jk maybe not lol
New subject
Ok this was a question that came up in my spanish class as i was hearing the clock tick, how do YOU measure time. I mean sure there are clocks but i think everyone measures time in their own way.. does that makes sense?? lol The way a measure time really depends on first of all, what it is i am doing because when i think about it when i am in math class that class seems to last an eternity, but when i am like in say Bio then it seems to go by fairly quickly. I think the next thing is how fast you are really willing to let time go by, i mean seriously, when you want time to go by slow it just doesnt happen but when you want it to go by fast that does not happen either... kinda weird huh?? lol ok maybe not weird i am just weird and that makes things seem weird to me.
ok so i still didnt answer my own question.. lol i guess the moment just has a lot to do with it, you have to be happy in order to feel like every second is not an eternity. When you are suffering or lets just say not happy it does seem like time goes by very slowly, well it does to me anyway, or does everyone else think the same way? idk... thats where i am leaving off hoping that next time i blog i actually have a more concrete answer. :)

1 comment:

Devin said...

I totally agree. You need to just like chillax once in a while. lol no j/k, I was agreeing with your time-measurement comments. I think everyone experiences that same sensation of eternal seconds or flash-by hours, depending on what they do. I guess it really just depends on what really takes your mind off of the present and gets you so focused on that one thing, you are so enraptured, that time just slips by...