Wednesday, April 22, 2009


As always I take my sweet time to post on my blog. Wonderful, I actually have some thoughts to put down. First of all, today is Earth Day!! Whooo! (In a sarcastic tone) ACT is horrible, today I spent 3 hours testing; overall I think I did pretty well, all except the math portion of the test. I know that the effect of my score will probably be long term unless I decide to take it again, which I will probably end up doing if I don’t like my score. It really sucks how they don’t give us the day off after ACT, because that is just really energy-taking.
One thing I’ve come to realize is the way we value things… sometimes we are stupid and forget that the things we have are worth a lot. Life is one of the things we take for granted, funny how we wake up one day and just automatically move on to whatever other things we need to do instead of realizing that it is a new day, a day that was unlived by someone else. The people around us have a value in our lives; it’s about discovering what role they play. We walk around blindfolded by society not taking notice of the small details that make our world really worth living in. We let the pressure of our jobs, peers, and life in general takes control of who we are. We don’t remember things that used to make us happy at one point, the simple details matter but we let them go. It’s not worth letting go of something that really brings you joy, or thinking you can replace it with something better. Once the new pleasure is gone you will feel empty and will go back to the simple things that once made you happy. Friends are another example of things that have value. We learn to see the value of people, but we only see things that we discover for ourselves. You don’t value something or someone overnight, it takes getting to know someone or something. It takes working for the material that has value; if you don’t work for it we tend to not appreciate it as much. So just to wrap up my thoughts, I think we should become more aware of the simple things around us, for I think that they have a very significant impact in our lives. Let’s become aware of life, and the way we live. We only live once, and the world is much too beautiful not to appreciate. A reason for bad things to happen is sometimes to open our eyes to things we refuse to see, we take so much for granted that life needs to find a way to let us know what we are missing out on. Living through the adversities is a wonderful thing, otherwise there would be no sense in living; life would become valueless because we would have everything we wanted without sacrifice. Live fully, value the small things, and learn to value the suffering thus it adds value to life.

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