" Millions of people think that evil is cosmic.They believe that in the devil and pray not to fall in his clutches... The story of the Garden of Eden seems to tell us that human beings have already fallen into sin." Deepak Chopra Fire in the Heart
As humans we all see things and categorize them as good or evil. If evil was cosmic that would mean that a newborn baby is evil and so would other things. Evil is hard to pin down because everyone has a different opinion on what is evil and what is not. Evil could be everywhere. We could say pain is evil, but in reality some evil is necessary to make good things happen. People could say surgery is evil, but someone who needs an urgent heart transplant may think it's not evil at all.
Who gets to make the call on what is evil and what is not? "There isn't a force called evil; there are only situations where pain and suffering occur." So in a sense, we can fight evil and make it stop. We can't control everything that causes us pain and suffering, but we do have some power over evil. "Human nature can change through love. It may happen slowly, but pain makes all of us want to find a better way to live." When we see someone suffering we have the power to stop their pain. Pain does make us want to become better people. We all have different purposes in life and yes, we are all different but we all have one same reason; we want to be happy.
All material things give us happiness, but once we find something better we are no longer happy. As a teenager I see this a lot (way too much for my taste actually) people go out of their way to get the newest ipod, a month or two later they come out with another ipod with better features. Oh snap, would you look at that, now someone out there will have a better ipod, and you want the new features too. So what do you do? You work your ass off to get the newer ipod. We are never happy with what we have. We are always trying to find happiness through getting new gadgets, buying brand clothes, etc.
I am not saying you have to become an ascetic to be truly happy, but when you have money remember someone out there is starving there's always someone out there who needs the money more than you do. Material things don't guarantee happiness, true happiness lies deep beyond any material or even physical desire. True happiness is achievable but we try too hard to be happy, the key is to stop trying and embrace all the things you already have and love life for everything it has already given you.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Forever Is Never
Forever never came true,
perhaps it never will.
Forever died today with the tear drops of the rain.
Forever never existed, it was merely a belief never even conceived.
Forever is now in the palms of the sky,
forever is never, that's only a lie.
Forever exists in the melody of a song,
in the cry of a baby; in the one you've loved so long.
Forever exists in every breath you take;
in a hug, in a kiss, and all the promises you break.
Forever is life in conjunction with the pain.
Forever died to day with the teardrops of the rain.
The best things in life remain unwritten. In the diary of my memory there's endless space for words, but even then it wouldn't be enough. Words can't revive what has been left unlived. Only the illusion of laughter, joy, and fears can put into words what I've lived throughout the years.
perhaps it never will.
Forever died today with the tear drops of the rain.
Forever never existed, it was merely a belief never even conceived.
Forever is now in the palms of the sky,
forever is never, that's only a lie.
Forever exists in the melody of a song,
in the cry of a baby; in the one you've loved so long.
Forever exists in every breath you take;
in a hug, in a kiss, and all the promises you break.
Forever is life in conjunction with the pain.
Forever died to day with the teardrops of the rain.
The best things in life remain unwritten. In the diary of my memory there's endless space for words, but even then it wouldn't be enough. Words can't revive what has been left unlived. Only the illusion of laughter, joy, and fears can put into words what I've lived throughout the years.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Poetry from the heart
It’s been a few months since I blogged so I said eh I kinda need to. I been writing more frequently and here are some of my recent (and not so recent) poems:
Spare me a tear
Spare me a tear,
Melting in my heart dissolving my fear
To conquer the thorns that may threaten our love;
Spare me a tear from the heaven’s above.
Give me the pleasure to soak in emotion,
Envelop me thoroughly
My love, my devotion…
Cry me a river with mid-summer thunder,
Don’t grasp to your tears, allow them to wander.
My beautiful rose, immaculate love,
Spare me a tear from the heaven’s above.
Tears for you
In front of me, my future is standing
His eyes tell me more than what my soul is demanding.
His eyes give me safety fondling my spirit,
Everything I wished for, but you’re not in it.
Crystals melt my cheeks, and dissolve in my white dress;
He thinks they’re tears of joy,
But truly I’m depressed.
This was always my dream,
The way I wanted things to be.
But instead of sharing lives with him,
I wanted you to marry me.
Note: This poem doesn't reflect me in any way lol Seriously.
Kissing Earth
With bare feet
Kissing earth with the soles of my soul.
Flames devouring my spirit,
And the rain drops no more.
Sublime essence of the fragrance of May
Invigorating caress,
In which my soul can sway.
Spare me a tear
Spare me a tear,
Melting in my heart dissolving my fear
To conquer the thorns that may threaten our love;
Spare me a tear from the heaven’s above.
Give me the pleasure to soak in emotion,
Envelop me thoroughly
My love, my devotion…
Cry me a river with mid-summer thunder,
Don’t grasp to your tears, allow them to wander.
My beautiful rose, immaculate love,
Spare me a tear from the heaven’s above.
Tears for you
In front of me, my future is standing
His eyes tell me more than what my soul is demanding.
His eyes give me safety fondling my spirit,
Everything I wished for, but you’re not in it.
Crystals melt my cheeks, and dissolve in my white dress;
He thinks they’re tears of joy,
But truly I’m depressed.
This was always my dream,
The way I wanted things to be.
But instead of sharing lives with him,
I wanted you to marry me.
Note: This poem doesn't reflect me in any way lol Seriously.
Kissing Earth
With bare feet
Kissing earth with the soles of my soul.
Flames devouring my spirit,
And the rain drops no more.
Sublime essence of the fragrance of May
Invigorating caress,
In which my soul can sway.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

As always I take my sweet time to post on my blog. Wonderful, I actually have some thoughts to put down. First of all, today is Earth Day!! Whooo! (In a sarcastic tone) ACT is horrible, today I spent 3 hours testing; overall I think I did pretty well, all except the math portion of the test. I know that the effect of my score will probably be long term unless I decide to take it again, which I will probably end up doing if I don’t like my score. It really sucks how they don’t give us the day off after ACT, because that is just really energy-taking.
One thing I’ve come to realize is the way we value things… sometimes we are stupid and forget that the things we have are worth a lot. Life is one of the things we take for granted, funny how we wake up one day and just automatically move on to whatever other things we need to do instead of realizing that it is a new day, a day that was unlived by someone else. The people around us have a value in our lives; it’s about discovering what role they play. We walk around blindfolded by society not taking notice of the small details that make our world really worth living in. We let the pressure of our jobs, peers, and life in general takes control of who we are. We don’t remember things that used to make us happy at one point, the simple details matter but we let them go. It’s not worth letting go of something that really brings you joy, or thinking you can replace it with something better. Once the new pleasure is gone you will feel empty and will go back to the simple things that once made you happy. Friends are another example of things that have value. We learn to see the value of people, but we only see things that we discover for ourselves. You don’t value something or someone overnight, it takes getting to know someone or something. It takes working for the material that has value; if you don’t work for it we tend to not appreciate it as much. So just to wrap up my thoughts, I think we should become more aware of the simple things around us, for I think that they have a very significant impact in our lives. Let’s become aware of life, and the way we live. We only live once, and the world is much too beautiful not to appreciate. A reason for bad things to happen is sometimes to open our eyes to things we refuse to see, we take so much for granted that life needs to find a way to let us know what we are missing out on. Living through the adversities is a wonderful thing, otherwise there would be no sense in living; life would become valueless because we would have everything we wanted without sacrifice. Live fully, value the small things, and learn to value the suffering thus it adds value to life.
Monday, March 9, 2009
It’s been forever since I've posted anything I guess I have just been in my own sad emo world. This is actually pretty sad. Well for last term I had a GPA of 3.7 ugghhh I am tired of 3.7’s but hey I guess if I was really tired of them I probably would work harder. So yeah that’s that. Life… hectic!! Amnesty is having this huge event that’s totally sucking the guts out of my life it makes me soooo sad how people are not taking this event seriously enough I feel like I am the only idiot who cares about getting it done. I do cut them some slack considering they are freshmen and like my Spanish teacher says “freshmen are not even real people yet” yes I totally agree!! It just makes me wanna…. Wanna grrr mega grrr. As much as my school life is suffering my personal life is sucking booty too. I want to get on my knees and ask life to give me a break right now that things are just stressing the heck out of me. I wish I could pause life and tell the world to wait for me to catch up and start living again. Unfortunately being the weird human I am, it’s not happening. I am looking forward to a break… a long break. I can’t see one coming till spring break is here which is right after I have the Amnesty Event. (Sigh) I’m hanging in there and trying to keep up with life. Its hard specially when you are not getting motivation from some family members they just don’t understand that all the things I do don’t just appear from one day to another, I am not the person they think I am I am not a slut waisting my time doing my nails, as a matter of fact I don’t even have time to color my nails anymore and that’s the last thing I am concerned about really…
What ever one more year to go and then life should get better for me college is waiting with open arms and I am anxious to leave and live far away from the chaos of life, I know I will have chaos everywhere but it will be different, I am begging for change but nothing seems to come around, not good change anyway. Patience should come in handy.
What ever one more year to go and then life should get better for me college is waiting with open arms and I am anxious to leave and live far away from the chaos of life, I know I will have chaos everywhere but it will be different, I am begging for change but nothing seems to come around, not good change anyway. Patience should come in handy.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Ok so again, I am supposed to be working on a blog for bio but guess what? Maria is too lazy to do anything!! No seriously, well anyway, I haven't been able to blog for like the past month so I guess this is a good time! Not many new things have happened, I drink less coffee that's about it... but that is a good time after discovering that coffee gets me all shaky and warm eewww.. yeah so I decided to drink green tea whenever I want to drink coffee and i guess its a good replacement :)
School... hmmm nothing very interesting has happened there, well maybe yes, I am pretty excited that this trimester will soon be over, yeah that's what I say now then i will probably be crying because i dint get enough work to do lol or not. Either way next term i want to do what i didn't do this term which would be to like get a 4.0 yeah that's sooo not happening this term.. well or so it looks like but hey you never know! So yeah... Yoga sounds good for a third hour.. lol but then again math is always so thrilling!!! hehe no not really. I never really been good at math, which is weird because people always expected me to be good at it, i guess they just dint know how much i suck at it! Finals week are going to be terrible! I cant wait for a break!! Maybe i can wait because being at home can be very boring... i used to like being at home till my siblings came along ughhh how depressing!! maybe this one time i will actually plan something for spring break but usually i just stay home and rot which is very sad but there is not much i can do lol well i can i am just too damn lazy! lol I just know that after csap week i am really going to need a break and not because i need to take the test thank the universe i am done with that but stress is very attached to me.. or maybe its the other way around. After that lovelly week I will be having the amazing Human Rights Week, omggg that's gonna be great and after that hopefully we'll have the talent show which is gonna be even more amazing! erdfrergthgfde estevan typed that lol some people just need to get a life lol jk jk maybe not lol
New subject
Ok this was a question that came up in my spanish class as i was hearing the clock tick, how do YOU measure time. I mean sure there are clocks but i think everyone measures time in their own way.. does that makes sense?? lol The way a measure time really depends on first of all, what it is i am doing because when i think about it when i am in math class that class seems to last an eternity, but when i am like in say Bio then it seems to go by fairly quickly. I think the next thing is how fast you are really willing to let time go by, i mean seriously, when you want time to go by slow it just doesnt happen but when you want it to go by fast that does not happen either... kinda weird huh?? lol ok maybe not weird i am just weird and that makes things seem weird to me.
ok so i still didnt answer my own question.. lol i guess the moment just has a lot to do with it, you have to be happy in order to feel like every second is not an eternity. When you are suffering or lets just say not happy it does seem like time goes by very slowly, well it does to me anyway, or does everyone else think the same way? idk... thats where i am leaving off hoping that next time i blog i actually have a more concrete answer. :)
School... hmmm nothing very interesting has happened there, well maybe yes, I am pretty excited that this trimester will soon be over, yeah that's what I say now then i will probably be crying because i dint get enough work to do lol or not. Either way next term i want to do what i didn't do this term which would be to like get a 4.0 yeah that's sooo not happening this term.. well or so it looks like but hey you never know! So yeah... Yoga sounds good for a third hour.. lol but then again math is always so thrilling!!! hehe no not really. I never really been good at math, which is weird because people always expected me to be good at it, i guess they just dint know how much i suck at it! Finals week are going to be terrible! I cant wait for a break!! Maybe i can wait because being at home can be very boring... i used to like being at home till my siblings came along ughhh how depressing!! maybe this one time i will actually plan something for spring break but usually i just stay home and rot which is very sad but there is not much i can do lol well i can i am just too damn lazy! lol I just know that after csap week i am really going to need a break and not because i need to take the test thank the universe i am done with that but stress is very attached to me.. or maybe its the other way around. After that lovelly week I will be having the amazing Human Rights Week, omggg that's gonna be great and after that hopefully we'll have the talent show which is gonna be even more amazing! erdfrergthgfde estevan typed that lol some people just need to get a life lol jk jk maybe not lol
New subject
Ok this was a question that came up in my spanish class as i was hearing the clock tick, how do YOU measure time. I mean sure there are clocks but i think everyone measures time in their own way.. does that makes sense?? lol The way a measure time really depends on first of all, what it is i am doing because when i think about it when i am in math class that class seems to last an eternity, but when i am like in say Bio then it seems to go by fairly quickly. I think the next thing is how fast you are really willing to let time go by, i mean seriously, when you want time to go by slow it just doesnt happen but when you want it to go by fast that does not happen either... kinda weird huh?? lol ok maybe not weird i am just weird and that makes things seem weird to me.
ok so i still didnt answer my own question.. lol i guess the moment just has a lot to do with it, you have to be happy in order to feel like every second is not an eternity. When you are suffering or lets just say not happy it does seem like time goes by very slowly, well it does to me anyway, or does everyone else think the same way? idk... thats where i am leaving off hoping that next time i blog i actually have a more concrete answer. :)
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
The world would be so much better if...

I believe the world would be so much better if things changed up a bit. I seriously think the world would be happier if instead of watching TV or playing video games people took time to read a good book. If instead of people riding their car everyday to school (that is if it was possible for them to) if they could ride their bikes or walk. If instead of finishing the day to remember you forgot to do this or that, you realize that it was another day lived, and the joy of being surrounded by people who care is priceless. Life would be so much better if people had a more positive attitude about things; i mean life in general COULD be amazing but people rather dwell over the past... It may sound kinda weird for me to say that since I am always dwelling and reminiscing but that's something I'm working on. Life WILL be better because I will find joy when i need it and i will relieve my pain when i am hurting.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Goals and stuffing
Easy to say, past, present, and future; however if we narrow it down to every minute, or lets just say “moment” of the past we see how things have left a residue in our lives. As insignificant as it may seem, what ever we did in the past affects where we are not and what we are doing. The past year left more than a few residues in my life, in fact what I was doing last week or just 30 minutes ago is affecting what I am doing now. Crazy in a way, it seems to me anyway. Hmmm this1st of the New Year is a good moment to reflect on what I did, done, and will do.
January - I was having some serious emotional confusion lol and I got over it very quickly and quit tutoring kido’s
February –Ended a relationship and entered another one
March- Taking CSAP??
April- I was being a lousy student and now I am ashamed of it
May- I was still being a lousy student and not being as good of student as I wished I had been lol oh yeah and I got that one offer to go to Colorado College. Therefore, I was working on the stuff for it, essay, letters and whatnot
June- Yay! My birthday! Well this was probably the best month of my life, I actually got the scholarship to be at Colorado College for 2 weeks and they were the most fabulous 2 weeks of my life!!
July- Well after being back from college my life changed a bit, I was seeing things from a more futuristic sort of way and I loved the change because it took some of my slacker attitude away… some ha ha
August- Well as I was doing the dishes and discovered that I wanted to make a club to help people around the world... so I did and its awesome it was worth all the stress I had to go through
September-Discovered that this year is very fast passed and that if I do not move along with it I will be left behind
November- Time to be thankful? My ass, I should be thankful everyday!
December- Wow the month of great discoveries and chaos! Well first of all emotions went weird this month but at the end, I did figure what I wanted... sweet stuff.
GOALS 2009
Well first, I need to organize myself and stop slacking. I mean seriously I do not think that I really do have any room to slack because of all the chaos that surrounds my life. Planner is gonna come handy this year. Hmmm… what else? Oh yeah I really a good ACT score.
Next, Amnesty is going to do MORE! That’s condensing my goals lol
January - I was having some serious emotional confusion lol and I got over it very quickly and quit tutoring kido’s
February –Ended a relationship and entered another one
March- Taking CSAP??
April- I was being a lousy student and now I am ashamed of it
May- I was still being a lousy student and not being as good of student as I wished I had been lol oh yeah and I got that one offer to go to Colorado College. Therefore, I was working on the stuff for it, essay, letters and whatnot
June- Yay! My birthday! Well this was probably the best month of my life, I actually got the scholarship to be at Colorado College for 2 weeks and they were the most fabulous 2 weeks of my life!!
July- Well after being back from college my life changed a bit, I was seeing things from a more futuristic sort of way and I loved the change because it took some of my slacker attitude away… some ha ha
August- Well as I was doing the dishes and discovered that I wanted to make a club to help people around the world... so I did and its awesome it was worth all the stress I had to go through
September-Discovered that this year is very fast passed and that if I do not move along with it I will be left behind
November- Time to be thankful? My ass, I should be thankful everyday!
December- Wow the month of great discoveries and chaos! Well first of all emotions went weird this month but at the end, I did figure what I wanted... sweet stuff.
GOALS 2009
Well first, I need to organize myself and stop slacking. I mean seriously I do not think that I really do have any room to slack because of all the chaos that surrounds my life. Planner is gonna come handy this year. Hmmm… what else? Oh yeah I really a good ACT score.
Next, Amnesty is going to do MORE! That’s condensing my goals lol
Monday, December 22, 2008
Culture and more random things
I take pride in what I do, and who I am but apparently some people think I don’t, yeah that makes me mad. Some people just see me and know I do things but they don’t know how much it takes for me to actually accomplish them. My dad for example thinks I don’t take pride in my culture and that I have forgotten my Hispanic roots, I haven’t. I am old enough to make my personal choices and religion is a big one for me. I have nothing against Catholicism but I disagree with a lot of its teachings, I see nothing wrong with believing in something that works for me; but my parents do. Language is also another issue, I do take pride that I am a bilingual person, but I can’t speak Spanish for everything! Unfortunately, that is out of my control I can’t make people translate everything to Spanish simply because it bothers some people that I speak more English than Spanish. This kind of reminds me of the Selena movie where her dad is telling her that Chicanos need to speak perfect Spanish and perfect English; we just have to have a perfect balance of both cultures. And it’s true there is pressure from both cultures do be ‘perfect’ in what ever we do. There are a lot of stereotypes from both sides, and I really really despise stereotypes! I am a mixture of both the Latino culture and the American culture, I take pride in both because yes, I was born in Mexico, but this is the country that has seen me grow and where I lived all my life.
Here are a few of my not so happy poems written when I was not too happy… but hey nevertheless they are pretty fantastic. Before I indulge you with my emo poetry I would like to keep talking about something. A really good friend asked me what motivates me; I said a lot of things, but mostly my past. I have seen and lived a lot of things that other people haven’t. I am not saying I have suffered more than everyone else because that would be a lie, I seen people who suffer way way more than me. But there are a few things about my life that kind of made me mature a little more quickly than my peers. And although those unfortunate things have been extremely painful to me and specially when I was younger, I am thankful for the suffering, for the tears and for the years that have taught me to stay strong and that if life wants to through a hurricane in my path I can take it down, no problem. I say that very easily, but I just stopped and thought about it for a second; I have been able to take all the pain because of my mother who I love with all my life. I’ll save this topic for another post though because I can say a lot about why I love my mother so much. So for now, enjoy the poetry from the depths of my heart to the screen of your computer lol enjoy!!
I am at my knees dear life
In surrender of the pain
I finally realized
This is more than I can take
I could let the wind blow me away
I could let the earth swallow my life
At this point it wouldn’t matterI am buried alive
Many dawns of opened eyes
a mist of cold
a dead sunrise
a cloud of dreams floating away
two wounded wings
why does it feel this way?
just kill me
forget that I exist
because if you don't
I am not sure I can resist
I am trying to be strong
but this weakness makes me fall
I just can't take anymore
Good stuff, right?
Here are a few of my not so happy poems written when I was not too happy… but hey nevertheless they are pretty fantastic. Before I indulge you with my emo poetry I would like to keep talking about something. A really good friend asked me what motivates me; I said a lot of things, but mostly my past. I have seen and lived a lot of things that other people haven’t. I am not saying I have suffered more than everyone else because that would be a lie, I seen people who suffer way way more than me. But there are a few things about my life that kind of made me mature a little more quickly than my peers. And although those unfortunate things have been extremely painful to me and specially when I was younger, I am thankful for the suffering, for the tears and for the years that have taught me to stay strong and that if life wants to through a hurricane in my path I can take it down, no problem. I say that very easily, but I just stopped and thought about it for a second; I have been able to take all the pain because of my mother who I love with all my life. I’ll save this topic for another post though because I can say a lot about why I love my mother so much. So for now, enjoy the poetry from the depths of my heart to the screen of your computer lol enjoy!!
I am at my knees dear life
In surrender of the pain
I finally realized
This is more than I can take
I could let the wind blow me away
I could let the earth swallow my life
At this point it wouldn’t matterI am buried alive
Many dawns of opened eyes
a mist of cold
a dead sunrise
a cloud of dreams floating away
two wounded wings
why does it feel this way?
just kill me
forget that I exist
because if you don't
I am not sure I can resist
I am trying to be strong
but this weakness makes me fall
I just can't take anymore
Good stuff, right?
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
ok more random things....
So I was supposed to post a blog about something...
I'm not sure what, dang thats weird but yeah it was probably about something random and weird.
I wanna talk about...... hmmmm... lets talk about.... ME!! lol wow
Wait why not??
So I am Maria... aka Maria lol my hands are cold
Ok so i was really thinking i should do my nails right now, I think I am gonna clip them first and then i am gonna paint them purple or more like lilac color. Freakin awesome i mean seriously i think its embarrassing to show my hands to the world when they are ashy and stuff so when my polish is all chipped off I wanna chop my entire hand off...
not really lol so i might do that now
I realized that i had been a slaker ugh thats nasty lol well seriously i have too much going on, but at the same time i'm not really doing anything right now so i kinda have to get my shiznits togehter and start working like i should be working.
So i'm gonna stop blogging and do my nails lol
Keep it clean!! lol
I'm not sure what, dang thats weird but yeah it was probably about something random and weird.
I wanna talk about...... hmmmm... lets talk about.... ME!! lol wow
Wait why not??
So I am Maria... aka Maria lol my hands are cold
Ok so i was really thinking i should do my nails right now, I think I am gonna clip them first and then i am gonna paint them purple or more like lilac color. Freakin awesome i mean seriously i think its embarrassing to show my hands to the world when they are ashy and stuff so when my polish is all chipped off I wanna chop my entire hand off...
not really lol so i might do that now
I realized that i had been a slaker ugh thats nasty lol well seriously i have too much going on, but at the same time i'm not really doing anything right now so i kinda have to get my shiznits togehter and start working like i should be working.
So i'm gonna stop blogging and do my nails lol
Keep it clean!! lol
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